ClickerExpo Chicago, IL • March 14-16, 2025

ClickerExpo features over 40 courses in multiple engaging formats, covering ten training and behavior themes. Themes are an easy way to locate all the courses we offer on the topics of interest to you!

Click on the name(s) of the theme(s) below to see all the associated courses!

DAY 1 - Friday, March 14, 2025

On Friday morning, we set the stage for expanding skills and minds by bringing the entire conference together for a common set of experiences to anchor the conference. Throughout the rest of the weekend, choose your path for building on the themes by selecting the courses and/or speakers you most want to see.
All times are Central Time Zone
7:45am - 8:15am • Friday, March 14

Expanding Minds

Newcomer Orientation

8:30am - 9:00am • Friday, March 14

Expanding Minds

Setting the Stage: Opening Session

Ken Ramirez, Aaron Clayton

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: All Levels

9:00am - 10:00am • Friday, March 14

Expanding Minds

Reinforcement Systems: Looking at Reinforcement Under the Microscope

Mary Hunter

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: All Levels

10:15am - 11:15am • Friday, March 14

Expanding Minds

Behavioral Science

Out of the Box: Toward a More Expansive Understanding of Operant Learning

Kiki Yablon

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: All Levels

11:30am - 12:30pm • Friday, March 14

Expanding Minds

Expanding Skills

Getting to YES! Why No is Not Enough

Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D.

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: All Levels

12:30pm - 2:00pm • Friday, March 14

Lunch & Roundtable Discussions

2:00pm - 3:30pm • Friday, March 14

Expanding Minds

Expanding Skills

It Just Keeps Going! The Keep Going Signal and Other Enduring Confusions

Ken Ramirez

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: Advanced

Behavioral Science

Science, Please: The Bedrock of Clicker Training

Laura VanArendonk Baugh

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: Foundation

Expanding Skills

Aggression & Behavior Management


Avoiding the Bitey End of the Dog: Defensive Handling

Michael Shikashio

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: Advanced

Office Hours

Office Hours with Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D., Mary Hunter, and Kiki Yablon

Mary Hunter, Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D., Kiki Yablon

Course Type: Office Hours
Skill Level: All Levels

Expanding Skills

High-Performance Training

The Agility Connection: Unlock Agility Success by Locking in Connection

Emma Parsons

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: All Levels

4:00pm - 5:30pm • Friday, March 14

Expanding Skills

High-Performance Training

Teaching Others

How to Set Up a Training Session Successfully

Ken Ramirez, Juliana DeWillems, Alexandra Kurland, Emma Parsons

Course Type: Symposium
Skill Level: All Levels

Expanding Skills

Solutions for Common Challenges

Prioritizing Animal Welfare Over Protocols: A Needs-First Enrichment Approach

Allie Bender

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: All Levels

Expanding Skills

The Mystery Box Challenge: Building Component Skills for Complex Behaviors

Chirag Patel

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: Intermediate

Expanding Skills

Cooperative Care / Veterinary

Timing Matters: Practical Use of Food (and More) for Cooperative Care

Monique Feyrecilde

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: Intermediate

Expanding Skills

High-Performance Training

You'll Definitely Work in This Town Again: Learning Animal Acting

Melissa Millett

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: All Levels

7:00pm - 9:00pm • Friday, March 14

Friday Night Social Event

Catch the Early-Bird Savings!

Register now and save $50; spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis.


DAY 2 - Saturday, March 15, 2025

All times are Central Time Zone
9:00am - 10:30am • Saturday, March 15

Expanding Skills

High-Performance Training

Duration Performance Without Primary Rewards?

Michele Pouliot

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: Advanced

Expanding Skills

High-Performance Training

Teaching Others

Practice Perfect. How To Create Super Practice Sessions

Emma Parsons

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: All Levels

Expanding Skills

Teaching Others

Puppies Just Want to Have Fun: Designing Themed Classes for People and Puppies

Chirag Patel

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: Intermediate

Expanding Minds

Vito’s Dog Attack Recovery Journey: A Conversation between Laura Monaco Torelli and Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D.

Laura Monaco Torelli, Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D.

Course Type: Key Conversations
Skill Level: All levels

Expanding Skills

Cooperative Care / Veterinary

The Eyes Have It! Cooperative Care Procedure for Eye Care

Laura VanArendonk Baugh

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: Intermediate

11:00am - 12:30pm • Saturday, March 15

Expanding Skills

Backstage Pass: Starting with a New Dog

Ken Ramirez, Juliana DeWillems, Chirag Patel, Kiki Yablon

Course Type: Backstage Pass (Dem-OH!)
Skill Level: All levels

Behavioral Science

Expanding Minds

In Sync! The Under-Explored Schedule(s) of Reinforcement

Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D.

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: Advanced

Expanding Skills

High-Performance Training

Duration Performance Without Primary Rewards? - In Action!

Michele Pouliot

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: Advanced

Expanding Skills

Cooperative Care / Veterinary

Solutions for Common Challenges

Distractions Done Right: Cooperative Care

Monique Feyrecilde

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: Intermediate

Expanding Skills

Aggression & Behavior Management


Step into My Behavior Consultant Shoes: Owner-Directed Aggression Cases

Michael Shikashio

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: Advanced

12:30pm - 2:00pm • Saturday, March 15

Lunch & Roundtable Discussions

2:00pm - 3:30pm • Saturday, March 15

Expanding Minds

High-Performance Training

The Value of Taking Breaks

Ken Ramirez, Alexandra Kurland, Michele Pouliot, Laura VanArendonk Baugh

Course Type: Symposium
Skill Level: All Levels

Expanding Skills

Aggression & Behavior Management

Don’t Skip the Small Stuff: The Importance of Basics for Complicated Cases

Juliana DeWillems

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: All Levels

Expanding Skills

Nice to Meet You and See You Later: Exploring the A's and C's of Polite Greetings

Amber Quann

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: All Levels

Office Hours

Office Hours with Emma Parsons and Chirag Patel

Chirag Patel, Emma Parsons

Course Type: Office Hours
Skill Level: All Levels

Expanding Skills

Reinforcement Systems: Looking at Reinforcement Under the Microscope - In Action!

Mary Hunter

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: All Levels

4:00pm - 5:30pm • Saturday, March 15

Expanding Minds

Let's Talk: What Really Works: Science, Superstition, Best Practice, or Habit?

Expanding Skills

Behavioral Science

The Other End of the ABC: Stimulus Control Solutions

Kiki Yablon

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: Advanced

Expanding Skills

Cooperative Care / Veterinary

Timing Matters: Practical Uses of Food for Cooperative Care - In Action!

Monique Feyrecilde

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: Intermediate

Expanding Skills

The Participating Horse

Alexandra Kurland

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: All Levels

Expanding Skills

High-Performance Training

Surprise! Reliable performance in unexpected conditions

Melissa Millett

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: Advanced

6:00pm - 6:30pm • Saturday, March 15

Book & Media Signing

7:15pm - 9:30pm • Saturday, March 15

Expanding Minds

Expanding Skills

Saturday Conference Dinner - Clicker Training for Conservation: Shaping HeroRATs to Save Lives

Jade Fountain

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: All Levels

Catch the Early-Bird Savings!
Register now and save $50! Spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

DAY 3 - Sunday, March 16, 2025

All times are Central Time Zone
8:00am - 8:45am • Sunday, March 16

Expanding Minds

Teaching Others


Guaranteeing Customer Satisfaction Without Guaranteeing Results

Juliana DeWillems

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: All Levels

9:00am - 10:30am • Sunday, March 16

Expanding Minds

He Said, She Said: Exploring "Advanced" Training with Ken Ramirez and Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D.

Ken Ramirez, Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D.

Course Type: Key Conversations
Skill Level: All levels

Expanding Minds

Aggression & Behavior Management


Get More Comfortable with Safety Signals: the Yoga Pants of Animal Training

Melissa Taylor

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: Intermediate

Behavioral Science

Train that Chain: Behavior Chains

Laura VanArendonk Baugh

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: Foundational

Expanding Skills

Aggression & Behavior Management


Click to Calm: Dogs Sensitive to People

Emma Parsons

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: Intermediate

11:00am - 12:30pm • Sunday, March 16

Expanding Skills

Backstage Pass: Helping Trainers Work on Complex or Challenging Trick Behaviors with Their Dog

Ken Ramirez, Melissa Millet, Chirag Patel, Michele Pouliot

Course Type: Backstage Pass (Dem-OH!)
Skill Level: Intermediate

Teaching Others

Solutions for Common Challenges

Boosting Business Success: Crafting Genuine Quick Wins for Clients

Allie Bender

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: All Levels

Expanding Skills

Teaching Others

The Shaping Game in the 21st Century

Kiki Yablon

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: All Levels

Behavioral Science

Expanding Minds

In Search of Excellence: Are You Teaching Strong Behaviors?

Dr. Jesús Rosales-Ruiz

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: Advanced

Expanding Skills

Aggression & Behavior Management


Safety Signals — In Action!

Melissa Taylor

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: Intermediate

12:30pm - 2:00pm • Sunday, March 16

Lunch & Roundtable Discussions

2:00pm - 3:30pm • Sunday, March 16

Expanding Minds

Aggression & Behavior Management

Solutions for Common Challenges

Let’s Talk: Animal Aggression and Related Behavioral Issues

Expanding Skills

High-Performance Training

Creating Expectations: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Michele Pouliot

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: All Levels

Expanding Skills

Solutions for Common Challenges

Work Mode to Nap Mode: The Art and Science of Relaxation Skills in Public

Amber Quann

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: Intermediate

Office Hours

Office Hours with Alexandra Kurland and Dr. Jesús Rosales-Ruiz

Alexandra Kurland, Dr. Jesús Rosales-Ruiz

Course Type: Office Hours
Skill Level: All Levels

Expanding Skills

High-Performance Training

Solutions for Common Challenges

Relax and Stay Awhile: Extended Stay Training

Melissa Millett

Course Type: Learning Lab
Skill Level: All Levels

3:45pm - 4:45pm • Sunday, March 16

Expanding Minds

Closing Session

Ken Ramirez

Course Type: Session
Skill Level: All Levels

Catch the Early-Bird Savings!
Register now and save $50! Spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please note: The ClickerExpo Chicago program is subject to change.