Join Grisha Stewart at ClickerExpo Portland
Grisha Stewart • Portland, OR (in-person)
Did you know that secure attachment could be considered an antecedent for behavior? Join Grisha Stewart at ClickerExpo Portland, OR for, The Power of Love, where she will explore attachment theory as it relates to dogs (and touch on humans as well), providing practical techniques for applying this knowledge to reactivity and separation anxiety.
If you have clients with strong dogs, walk large dogs, or plan to train dogs as you grow older you won’t want to miss, Can Walks Really Be This Easy? During this practical Learning Lab, Grisha will guide participants through the process of using a leash belay, starting from the beginning until achieving a gentle stop. It's an excellent method for making leash walking more accessible to individuals with reduced grip strength. Furthermore, it offers a great alternative for transitioning clients away from potentially aversive devices such as prong collars.
Energize Your Love for Training, for Teaching Others, and for Learning—Together!