Peggy Hogan • LIVE (virtual)
Cooperative care, choice, control, and Start Buttons have become hot topics, even in the horse world. In a dialogue with our horses (learners), a Start Button is a first step in that conversation, and Continue Buttons are the second.
In this Demo-OH!, Peggy Hogan will be joined by Dem-OH! helpers Anat Shalev and Monty Gwynne to demonstrate examples of how to broaden the conversation and deepen the collaboration.
One procedure might be developed by training a single "start" behavior that we then build upon, shaping and desensitizing behaviors along a continuum toward a final outcome. Starting with a neutral point, we gradually increase exposure while developing and reinforcing behaviors that signal to us that the animal is ready to "continue."
Another technique can be likened to a strand of beads. Each bead is a behavior or procedure that is trained separately, including start, continue, and stop signals, which are then assembled into a group. The "start" of the group of behaviors is also trained, and might be something like a chin rest. With all of these behaviors, the animal has also learned to present behaviors that can guide the handler to continue, stop, or pause the process.
Join us for a deeper dive as we demonstrate more examples of cooperative care for horses. Start Buttons are just the beginning.
Energize Your Love for Training, for Teaching Others, and for Learning—Together!